Cong 四重奏活躍於歐美和亞洲,充滿活力的演出和富創意的曲目編排讓其成為備受觀眾愛戴的年輕四重奏。作為2023年度駐法國弗萊訥音樂廳的藝術家,Cong 四重奏在2022年獲取意大利Virtuoso & Belcanto音樂節室樂比賽的最高榮譽Adolfo Betti獎,亦在2019年東京薩爾斯堡莫扎特室樂國際比賽、 2021年比利時克羅采國際音樂比賽(室樂組)以及2024 Triomphe de l’Art國際音樂比賽中得獎,並打進了不少其他國際室樂比賽的決賽。四重奏曾於2019-2022年出任香港大中文大學音樂系之駐校四重奏及駐校藝術家,亦曾在美國Madeline Island室樂節、「音樂之道」、HIMA USA、印弟安納大學弦樂學院和卡利亞里國際音樂學院等參與不同的教學,包括為艾里安娜四重奏、Blair 四重奏、太平洋四重奏、多弗四重奏、魯賓斯四重奏等著名四重奏擔任助教。
自2019年起獲香港藝術發展局的「新苗計劃」支持,Cong四重奏為荷蘭四重奏學院的一員,並為歐洲「音樂之道」(Musethica)的年青藝術家,目前也是在意大利 Le Dimore del Quartetto 旗下的四重奏和法國拉加爾德莊園的音樂伙伴。Cong四重奏在過去樂季在香港、南韓、澳洲、日本、意大利、美國、法國、瑞士、挪威等不同國家有超過50場演出,曾出席過世界各地不同的音樂節作演出,例如在茱莉亞音樂學院四重奏研討會、羅伯特曼恩四重奏研討會、海菲茲音樂節室樂研討會、冰島哈帕國際音樂節的四重奏研討會、日本小澤征爾國際音樂學院的室樂研習會、南韓平昌(前 大山嶺)音樂節等等。
Cong 四重奏於2015年在印第安納大學積可斯音樂學院成立,早年師隨太平洋四重奏,在校時定期演出包括在衛理居博物館的「週六弦樂四重奏」系列音樂會,並擔任四重奏獨奏和樂團合作演出艾爾加的序奏與快板。此後,四重奏曾受學於不同世級界四重奏音樂家,當中包括香港演藝學院的陳浩堂教授、荷蘭四重奏學院的Marc Danel 、艾班弦樂四重奏的Pierre Colombet、易沙易四重奏,並在美國時受學於Shmuel Ashkenasi 、博羅美奧四重奏、上海四重奏、茱莉亞四重奏和東京四重奏的成員。Cong四重奏的成員也曾與多位世界著名的演奏家合作演出,包括博羅梅奧四重奏、鋼琴家Enrico Pace、大提琴家瑪赫寇維奇、小提琴巨星貝爾、俄國中提琴大師巴舒米特、前紐約愛樂團團長格蘭·迪克特羅和已故明尼蘇達管弦樂團首席費珍莉絲等等。過去一年亦專注和多位新一代演奏家如小提琴家陳蒨瑩、Jinjoo Cho、Shannon Lee、Callum Smart,中提琴家Adrien La Marca、大提琴家Sterling Elliott、Brannon Cho等作不同室樂演出。
四重奏致力推動屬於亞洲、香港和這個年代的室樂作品,並在選曲方面嘗試拉近室內樂和觀眾日常生活的距離,四重奏的名字 「CONG」由創團成員的姓氏組成,同時暗示四位創團成員來自香「港」(兩字英文發音相同)。在四重奏正式成立前,幾位成員早在香港中小學時期已在不同場合較技和合奏,種下了熱愛室樂的種子。除了在不同大中小學的演奏會、活動、還擔任過北德克薩斯大學作曲系的駐校四重奏、香港作曲家聯會擔任音樂新一代2019的演出嘉賓和評判,以及定期在本港不同場地和機構包括港大繆思樂季、科大逸夫演藝中心、大館、康文署、西九文化區、聖約翰座堂、國際文化節、香港藝術節、誼樂社、Vantage Music、香港弦樂團,以及各個博物館和展覽等等合作。
About Cong Quartet
A string quartet in demand around Asia, Europe, and the United States, Cong Quartet is the top prize and Adolfo Betti Award winner of the Virtuoso & Belcanto’s Chamber Music Competition in Italy in 2022. They were also the first prize and Grand Prize winner at the 2019 Salzburg Mozart International Chamber Competition in Tokyo, 2nd prize in the 2021 Kreutzer International Competition in Belgium, 3rd prize in the 2024 International Music Competition Triomphe de l’Art in Brussels and was a finalist of several international chamber music competitions. The quartet was priorly the Artist in Residence for the Master of Arts Programme and Ensemble-in-Residence of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) from 2019. The quartet is now a member of the Le Dimore del Quartetto in Italy and served the Musique à Flaine ’s artistic residency in 2023.
Supported by the Emerging Artists Scheme of the Hong Kong Art Development Council (ADC) and the Stichting Utopia (The Utopia Foundation) in 2019, Cong Quartet has been a quartet at the Nederlandse Strijkkwartet Academie (NSKA), as well as being on the young artist roster of the Musethica in Europe and a musical partner of Domaine de La Garde in Bourg-en-Bresse, France. The quartet has participated in the Juilliard String Quartet Seminar and the Robert Mann String Quartet Institute in New York, the European Chamber Music Academy(ECMA), the Ashkenasi/Kirshbaum Chamber Music Seminar at The Heifetz International Music Institute, the Intensive String Quartet seminar at Music Academy Hörpu in Iceland, the Ozawa International Chamber Music Academy in Japan, as well as Music in PyeongChang in South Korea and sponsored by the Artsylvia Foundation. They have also coached young & adult chamber music groups at CUHK, the Madeline Island Chamber Music, HIMA USA, the Indiana University Summer String Academy, the Accademia Internazionale di Musica di Cagliari and many more places.
Their important mentors include members of the Ysaye Quartet, Marc Danel at NSKA, Pacifica Quartet at Indiana University, Shmuel Ashkenasi & Nicholas Kitchen at the Heifetz Institute, Ivan Chan at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. They have also worked extensively with members of Borromeo, Brentano, Cavani, Danel, Dover, Ébène, Guarneri, Jerusalem, Juilliard, Shanghai & Tokyo Quartets. Cong Quartet have performed with world-renowned artists such as Yovan Markovitch, Enrico Pace, Yuri Bashmet, Joshua Bell and Rohan de Silva among many others. In these past years, they also focused on collaborations with prominent musicians of their generation such as violinist Angela Chan, Jinjoo Cho, Shannon Lee, Callum Smart, violist Adrien La Marca, cellist Brannon Cho & Sterling Elliott.
Cong Quartet believes that the humanistic experience of chamber music is a treasure to the community. They share the philosophy of promoting chamber repertoire from their generation and in Hong Kong, as well as integrating chamber music into the daily lives of audiences. The name of the quartet, “CONG” is a combination of the quartet founding members’ last names that allude to Hong “Kong”, where the members grew up and played together since their teenage years before the Quartet was officially formed at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music in the US.
Their concerts last seasons have brought them to Australia, China, England, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, and the United States. They performed as guest artists in recitals at various universities across the United States and a residency at the Composers Forum of the University of North Texas. Cong Quartet have also served as judges and/or guest performers for many competitions, such as the Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows of Music Office, the New Generation call-for-score competition and the Emerging Composer Fellowship of Hong Kong Composers' Guild. The quartet has regular collaborations with local venues, museums, universities & organizations in Hong Kong such as Asia Society Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong Strings Orchestra, HKU MUSE, Jockey Club, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Music Office, Musicus Society, Tai Kwun, Vantage Music, West Kowloon Cultural District, World Culture Festival and many others.
One of my favorite young quartets around
“Cong Quartet is a wonderful quartet, they play with great commitment and they are very very very dedicated serious musicians. Since I have met them 6 years ago, they have made incredible progress, and there are actually very few quartets that I know made such drastic and quick progress both individually and as a quartet. ”
— Sibbi Bernhardsson (Grammy Winner, Violin Professor of Oberlin Conservatory)
Very artistic and it is always a joy to work with them.
“I found them inspiring to work with because their ideals came from a musical perspective.”
— Brandon Vamos (Pacifica String Quartet)
Perhaps the most dedicated group in their generation.
“one of my favorite things about the quartet, is how dedicated, and their values, how they are very true to the music. Their interpretations are always very very music driven. ”
— Kirsten Docter (Former Violist of Cavani String Quartet)