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Tai Kwun Afternoon Series - “Christmas Glitter”

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You know what’s happening today? Our Quartet will only have a morning rehearsal because the last episode of the new Star Wars Trilogy will be on screen at 5pm! If you can’t get to a cinema today, lets spend some time with this incredible medley arranged by Andrew Yee, cellist of the Attacca Quartet first! You will be able to hear us perform it live on the 23rd at “Tai Kwun Christmas Glitter”, together with Mozart, Webern and some Christmas tunes! May the force be with you!

知唔知今日咩日子?係星球大戰嘅大結局上畫呀!我地四重奏決定練完朝早就放工喇!未有得睇嘅大家,可以聽住依個由今屆格林美獎大熱Attacca四重奏大提琴手 Andrew所寫嘅星球大戰組曲先!如果想現場聽嘅話就要下星期一(12月23號)黎「大館閃亮聖誕」聽我地嘅演出喇!同場我地重會演奏莫扎特、韋伯恩同一系列同聖誕有關嘅作品。 到時見!