Hua Zhang
Violin 小提琴
1st runner up of the Hong Kong International String Competition, the top prize winner of the Lima Symphony Young Artist Competition. Violinist Hua Zhang was born in Shanghai and began playing the violin at the age of 4. She studied at the Music Primary and Middle School Affiliated to Shanghai Conservatory of Music with Qinglin Zhu and Song Yang. Hua then continued her studies in the United States with Prof. Kevork Mardirossian with a full scholarship at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Hua was also recently a semi-finalist in the Irving M. Klein International String Competition and Washington International Competition.
During her time at Indiana University, Hua was the concertmaster of Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonic Orchestra, which she led the orchestra & played the solo violin part in Richard Strauss’s Ein Heldenleben with conductor Carl St. Clair. Hua is currently the assistant principal second violin of the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra.
As a chamber musician, Hua has been part of the Ozawa International Chamber Music Academy in Okushiga, Japan since 2015, where she worked with world renowned musicians such as Seiji Ozawa, Sadao Harada, Yoshiko Kawamoto and Julien Szulman. She joined the Cong Quartet in 2017 as a replacement of her studio mate and great friend Camille.
小提琴家張樺生於上海,自四歲起學習小提琴,並入讀上海音樂學院附屬小學和中學,師隨朱清霖和宋陽老師。 期後獲得全費獎學金赴美,並在著名音樂學府印第安納大學積可斯音樂學院受學於Kevork Mardirossian 教授。張樺曾在香港國際弦樂公開賽中得獎,並且是應屆利馬交響樂團青年藝術家大賽的冠軍,最近亦在加州歐文‧克萊國際弦樂大獎賽和華盛頓國際弦樂比賽中殺入準決賽。
在印第安納大學修讀期間,張樺先後擔任校內交響樂團和管弦樂團的首席,並曾和著名指揮家卡爾.聖克萊爾(太平洋交響樂團音樂總監) 合作出演理查·史特勞斯的 《英雄的一生》,擔任小提琴獨奏。張樺現為美國伊凡斯維爾交響樂團的第二小提琴副首席。